Friday, September 04, 2009

Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, Where Have You Been?

... I've been down to London to visit the Queen.

I used to love this nursery rhyme when I was little and London was where I was last weekend. My Mam and I had tickets to tour the state appartments at Buckingham Palace so we were up *very* early to get a train down to London and spent a lovely day first shopping (buying up a huge supply of my favourite acrylic jewels at Paperchase) then touring the Palace (we had tea and cakes on the terrace after we'd finished which was very nice) and then visiting Harrods for more afternoon tea - scones this time. We had dinner in Leicester Square and then had to cross back over London to get the train back up to Newcastle. Such a lovely day and we both decided we would do this more often.

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